Modern Ethos has been closed for 3 months, due to the shutting down of non-essential businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Piercing and tattoo studios, salons and spas, have all had to adapt and wait patiently to re-open, while considering the risks already inherent in their jobs. This was a difficult time for all, and now more than ever health and safety is on the minds of the population. We have all become accustomed to reminders to wash hands, wipe clean surfaces, mask wearing, and social distancing - being called our new 'normal' way of life. This is the typical way of life for these businesses, but we have had to increase cleaning, plan ahead, and make hard decisions in order to be certain that we do not contribute to further spread of the virus. These jobs require an intimate proximity to the customer that cannot be totally avoided. Navigating this summer and getting back in business means we must consider the risks, and make some changes, even if only temporarily.
The following is our reopening guidelines to ensure the health and safety of staff offering services, as well as the customers receiving them. It is incredibly important to us to take the recommendations of health organizations and peers, and to operate at our best. We ask for your patience and understanding as we begin the process, reschedule appointments from March-May, while working to space clients throughtout the day. Our county enters the Green Phase on Friday June 12th, but we have chosen to reopen on Tuesday June 16th for our normal Tuesday through Saturday schedule, allowing us extra time to be restocked and clean.

Please do not come in if you or a loved one is sick in any way.
This is a regular request, but one that is often overlooked. Now more than ever, we ask you to reschedule to a later date.
All services are appointment only
This includes jewelry changes and purchases. The doors will be locked at all times to ensure social distancing, a controlled environment, and increased sanitation. Please be on time for you appointment. More than 10 minutes late means a reschedule.
No guests allowed
We understand many people like to bring friends and family, but for the time being you will have to come alone. We will not have a waiting area available and want to cut down on interactions that are not directly with the client only. The exception to this is ONE parent should accompany a minor with an appointment for consent.
Wear a mask at all times in the studio
Don't forget that the idea is our mask helps you, and your mask helps us. We want to ensure the safety of our piercer, whom will also be in contact with people throughout the day. We will have a Contact Tracing form to be filled out along with the consent form in the event that there is possible spread. Temporarily we will not be offering any piercing services that will require the client to remove their mask. This means no oral or nasal piercings.
Consent to a touch-free temperature check upon arrival
We ask that you allow us to take your temperature before entering any procedure areas in the studio. When you arrive, we will take your temperature, record it, and have you wash your hands. After this, we will start your appointment. Before taking payment, we will ask you to wash your hands again.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at
We are here to make sure that you have all the info you need before choosing to get pierced. Of course, all standard operating info can be found on our FAQ page. We will be in and out of studio the week leading up to re-opening in order to restock, clean, and prep. Phone calls may take us a few days to return while we have been absent. Emails will get first priority. We respond to all messages during business hours of Tuesday through Saturday 12-8pm only. We are rescheduling appointments that have been waiting through the shutdowns, and trying to accommodate the new clients as well. Everyone is eager to get back to living their lives, and we expect to be very busy! We apologize for possibly longer response times, and appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.